Definition Of Computer

A computer is a fast electronic calculating machine. Which accepts the digitized information process it according to the internally stored instruction and procedure the results as output to the end user.

Types Of Computer

Depending upon various factors such as size, speed, storage space, cost etc. Computers are broadly classified into five types they are:
                           Personal Computers
                           Portable Network Computers (Laptops)
                           Work Stations
                           Enterprise Computers and Servers
                           Super Computer

* Personal Computer

It is the most common form of desktop computer that has processing and storage unit, visual display and audio units, keyboard that can be arranged easily in a home or office personal computers are widely used in homes, schools, business, offices, organizations etc...
Eg: Descktop

* Portable Network Computers

These are the compact version of desktop computers. All of the external devices which are in personal computers are packed into a single unit with the size of the thin brief case.
Eg: Laptops

* Work Station

It has the high resolution graphic I/O capability. It has more computational power than personal computers. These computers are used in engineering applications especially for designing work.

* Enterprise Computers and Servers

Beyond the work station a range of large and very powerful computer system exist are called " Enterprises Computer and Servers". These enterprise computers are mainframed used for business data processing in medium to large corporation whichrequires more computing power and storage capacity than work station

Servers contains sizable database storage units that can handle large volume of request to access the data and responses are usually transported over the internet communication facilities.

* Super Computers

These are used for large scale of numerical calculations required in applications such as weather forecasting and aircraft design.

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