Differences Between Java and C

  • Java deos incluede c unique statements size and typedef
  • Java deosn't support the data type structure and union
  • Java doesn't define the type modifiers auto, register, extern, signed and unsigned.
  • java doesn't support pointers.
  • Java doesn't hava pre-processor statements
  • Java acts labelled break and continue statements.
  • Java adds many other features required for object oriented programming

Differences Between Java and C++

  • Java doesn't support operator overloading.
  • java doesn't support template classes as in c++
  • Java doesn't support multiple inheritance on classes. This can be implementes in java by using interfaces java doesn't support pointer.
  • Java doesn't support global data.
  • Every variable and method should be declared in a class.
  • There are no header file in java.
  • Java has replaced destructer finalized method().
  • java doesn't support friend function.

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